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时间:2024-05-04 12:33:35  来源:http://www.cam001.com  作者:admin


My future plan

Everyone dreams about his or her own future. so do I . I want to be an English teacher in the future.

Why do I have that dream or plan? The first reason is that I reckon learning or reading is very interesting , and I can gain a lot of knowledge about the other countries from English learning. Secondly , I love to stay with children , who could make me feel energetic and happy every day. The last but not the less important reason is that when I was a young girl, my dream was becoming a teacher. I grew up in the countryside, in my eyes our country needs lots of teachers especially English teachers.

However, I know it won’t be easy for me to become a teacher, but I will try my best to learn it and realize my dream. In English, there is a saying : nothing is impossible.

二、求一篇大学生自主创业的英语作文 包括创业的优势劣势和创业需要的素

对于需要打好作文基础的小学生来说更是个大学问。孩子们通常“绞尽脑汁”写不出几行字,要么就是经常犯“内容空洞”、“文不对题”或“杂乱无章”的毛病。学生和家长都知道作文对考试成绩影响很大,许多小朋友因没有掌握作文技巧而感到吃力和头痛,家长也苦恼不知如何辅导他们。到底应该如何掌握作文技巧呢?笔者特地专访了“奇趣作文”创始人、卓越教育高级总监、全国优秀教师史秀荣,听她详述作文的秘诀。去哪里学习作文? “学校里学作文主要靠师生自己去摸索”,史老师肯定地告诉记者。首先,作文很难教。“作文课没有系统的教材教法,在语文教科书里作为单元训练编写,于是很多老师无法进行系统训练,有时让孩子在家里完成作文,让家长也头疼。”其次,作文很难改。“学校里学生多,而语文老师的教学时间有限,无奈之下,只能以‘好、中、差’等去评定作文而无法细细修改。”第三,作文学习,难见成效。“作文评卷主观性强,扣几分、十几分都是有可能的,许多学生语文考试的失分点都在这。作文仍然是小学阶段的难点,如何让孩子学会作


I have a dream

Grass dream to be tall, of the sun take a cool and pleasant dream ; the stream to the sea, with its become the largeness of mind open to all the creatures ; dreams early in the air, as serene sky a brighter life. i have a dream, dreaming of becoming a gust of wind. i have a dream, dreaming of becoming a gust of wind and a spring breeze. and softly i on white.

I have a dream, dreaming of becoming a gust of wind and to take all the happiness and joy. the two were lying in the yard, carefully counted the stars, chanting by altair, bright eyes bright as the image of regular ; however, the bed before the frost is on the ground and seemed to have seen that li sighed for home form ; face of heaven, isn't, i have a dream.

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